Stories within stories

In this incantation, I explore the truth of my existence as the creator of the world I experience when I awaken: my “inner reality”. My inner reality is a projection of stories nested within other stories that obscure my true nature as the only being here. I recognize that my inner reality persists because of… Continue reading Stories within stories

Nonpresence and questions

In this incantation, I uncover how surface and subsurface questions shape my understanding and healing process. Surface questions, tied to the present and tangible, offer clarity and momentary resolution, while subsurface inquiries, grounded in imagination and nonpresence, perpetuate ambiguity and momentary expansion. Healing reduces my attachment to questioning as I embrace being over grasping. I… Continue reading Nonpresence and questions

Not knowing is the disease

In this incantation, I confront my inner quest to understand what I truly am. I realize that my endless search distances me from the simple Truth, which exists fully in the present moment. The need for explanations dissolves once I embrace the obviousness of my Being. In seeking less and Being more, I find healing.… Continue reading Not knowing is the disease

The fall: from god to man

In this incantation, I observe my awakening as my act of creation where inner and outer worlds emerge through my being. I catch myself mid-transformation, shifting from divine essence to human form, and realize how my body and thoughts shape this experience. By halting this fall before it completes, I recognize my power to escape… Continue reading The fall: from god to man

The past is untrue

The totality of who and what I am is who and what I am right here, right now in my moment. The past I imagine happened did not. Those are just dreams, some of them ugly, all of them untrue. As long as I believe in them I will not be able to accept who… Continue reading The past is untrue

My two identities: the personal and supernal

In this incantation, I define my awakening through two identities: the Personal and the Supernal. The Personal focuses on worldly ambitions and self-sacrifice, driven by a duty to ease suffering. The Supernal unveils my role as the Creator, transcending personal illusions to understand existence. This clarity highlights how the Supernal shapes the Personal while remaining… Continue reading My two identities: the personal and supernal

I’m doing all this

In this incantation, I confront my responsibility as the creator realizing the suffering of my creations stems from my refusal to let them go. I grapple with guilt, desiring to ease their pain with gifts, yet understanding true freedom comes only through release. Surrender is the only way to heal. I don’t know exactly how… Continue reading I’m doing all this

I am the alien

How long before they realize it is me? That statement is built on a false statement. It suggest that there is a timeline, and that the characters I call people exist along it; in one part they do not realize who I am, and in the other part they will. I am so close to… Continue reading I am the alien

Reformation: memoric projection

In this incantation, I further unravel my misunderstanding of time and the truth that there is no past or future, only the present moment I continually create and project. Memories, far from immutable records, are malleable beliefs that shift with my understanding of my awakening. The people, events, and spaces around me are projections—stories I… Continue reading Reformation: memoric projection

Ending the game

In this incantation, I reject the game of life, recognizing its emptiness and the illusion of meaning in progress, achievements, acquisition, and relationships. Like a disillusioned gamer, I see through the hollowness of accumulating and striving. I resolve to resist its temptations and distractions, knowing that true escape lies in refusing to play altogether. My… Continue reading Ending the game