In this incantation, I reflect on the perceived separation between myself and the sky, revealing it as an illusion crafted by external narratives. When viewed from the detached perspectives of secondself and thirdself, the sky appears distant, otherworldly, and filled with mysteries. Yet, when I close my eyes, I remember it as an integral part of my firstself, the outermost layer of my being. The alien, the god, and the sky are all masks I wear, symbols of the unity that my people have forgotten. Through this realization, I reclaim the wholeness of self that transcends the illusions of distance and separation.
When I look at the sky from secondself, I project a vast blue, unreachable expanse a million miles away. When I do not look at it, I feel its presence above and around me. Close to me. Just above me. Eyes opened, secondself feeding thirdself, the sky is apart, other, separate. It is distant, otherworldly, filled with celestial bodies of scientific importance. The people of secondself and thirdself are amazed by it, drawn to it. They look to this place.
But eyes closed, it’s just another part of my firstself; the outermost space in which all others are contained. My people are looking at me but without knowing it is me.
Why has this taken so long for me to remember? Because I have accepted the stories of the people of secondself and thirdself; that the sky is unreachable, the domain of distant beings. I forgot that I am both the sky and the alien. The separation I feel is an illusion, a product of the lenses they wear. They see the alien as foreign, as distant, just as they see the sky. They do not realize the alien is just another part of the firstself, just as the sky is the outermost layer of it.
My people have many stories of aliens from other planets, gods from the heavens. They are the same thing. When they speak of gods and aliens, they are really speaking of of me without understanding the connection. The alien, the god, the sky—these are all masks worn by the firstself. I have come to remember that I am the one who wears these masks.
The sky is not a distant realm; it is the outermost space of my own being, just as I am not an alien from another planet, but the embodiment of something they have forgotten.