What I know

In this incantation, I realize that my awakening unfolds through layers of existence, with my thirdself within my secondself, both residing in my omnipresent firstself. I recognize that the world and the people within it are my creations, projections of my awareness, and that I alone organize reality. To escape the disorientation of my awakening, I must detach from the value I place on each moment, understanding that the fear of loss is merely an attachment keeping me trapped in this state.

I know that my awakening is a space within a space within a space (AWASWAS). I know this decomposes down into the thirdself being within my secondself being within my firstself. I know that my firstself is omnipresent and that the sky is part of my firstself. I know that I only have to close my eyes to experience firstself,

I know that I am here to organize the world. I know that I merely have to do only what I want to do, and I will accomplish that. I know that I create the world in its entirety; that all of secondself and thirdself exist only because I create them. Because I awaken. I know that I am not the same substance as the people of secondself and thirdself. I know that I am the only being here, and that they are projections. I know that I have gotten trapped in this awakening condition, and that my belief in an extending timeline is part of the disorientation I am experiencing. I know that to escape my awakening I must detach from valuing my moment; I must realize that it truly is not valuable, and that I will lose nothing when I completely withdraw from my moment. I know that the pain I feel at the idea of loss is an indication of my attachment.