In this incantation, I explore the evolving Conceptual Framework of the “demiself” and “omniself.” The demiself, rooted in my belief in otherness, defines my existence as a person within the constructs of space, time, and being, projecting the notion of other beings, places, and moments. However, as I withdraw into the omniself, I recognize that this belief in otherness is a choice, not a reality. The only constant is my being in the present moment, and the realization dawns that my moment and my being are inseparable—any perceived otherness is merely a projection, not a fact.
Embedding and updating the evolving Conceptual Framework:
- Demiself = my personhood = becoming = otherness (being, space, time) = my awakening = my moment = triself = mindself+bodyself+worldself = the second place = projection = impulse
- Omniself = my godhood = being = otherless (beinglessness, spacelessness, timelessness) = my unwaking = my premoment = coreself = the first place = prejection = <>
A feature of demiself is my belief that there are other beings, other times, and other places. In short, I believe that I am a person, that there are other beings than me, other times than now, and other places than here. I call this otherness, or alterity.
As I withdraw from demiself toward omniself, I realize that my belief in otherness is a choice, not a fact. Initially I struggle with this notion because my experience of other people, times, and places seems irrefutable. But what I come to realize is that what I once thought was tangible and irrefutable, is actually imaginary. The only thing that is absolutely tangible is this very moment, not the contents within it. That there is a moment is the constant, and I am the only being within this moment. There are no other moments, and no other places. Only this moment and my being. The next realization is that my moment and my being are one and the same.
My moment has three dimensions: being, space, and time. That I (being) am here (space), now (time). When I grasp otherlessness, I understand that my moment is the shape of my being, and the changing contents are a decision I make. Like channels in a television or websites in a browser.