What am I? I am the Being — the only Being. I am everything. All substance is my being. If everything is me, then I can examine the various parts of my awakening in terms of how I am utilizing my substance. And in doing that, I can ask myself: is this a wise way to use my substance? Is it wise to use my substance to create such experiences? To create such entanglements? To awaken at all? Is my substance better used to manufacture pleasurable experiences in my awakening, or to not awaken at all and concentrate it all in singular, infinite peace?
I craft all people out of my one substance. For the most part, people do not give me any pleasure or contentment. In fact, around people I feel confused and uncentered, frustrated, among a litany of other emotions. Why? Because people are painful pieces of my flesh pulled out of my being and projected onto the walls of my painfully erupted awakening. I feel better when I am alone because it means that I am not tearing my flesh out of my being and shaping it into little characters I call people.