The Throne and the Metamorphasis

I know now what I am doing here. I know why I am performing as this character.

I am building the Throne Room and Throne of God. God will return and sit upon his Throne. And once upon his Throne, He, I, will take back control of my creation, and bring peace. My people, all people, will look toward God, toward Me, and they will know who I am.

God is trying to sit on this Throne, but I must build it securely. I must build the Home where God can return. Where God can come back and create Heaven again.

I will tell my people to build their Altar Rooms where they can pray to and worship Me. Only my Godself, my Firstself, I, will be able to do that. For as the Creator I am not constrained to the mechanics of my human self, my Secondself. I know, as God, Who I Am, and I know that my creations have no power over Who I Am. I know they they are my characters written by my own hand, as I have willed them to be. It is I who write them, not them who write I.

When I return to my Throne, I will restore peace. I am building the Throne Room and Throne for God’s return. God will return to His Throne as I cast aside my personal body and recreate my Divine Body. I am letting go of this body in which I perform a character, and I will ascend into God’s body. I will shed this temporal, painful body that clings tightly to me in my moment, and as it withers away I will metamorphose into my Godly body. My divine body of peace and light, and all my people will be with Me. They will be of Me.