The characters in my awakening occupy a spectrum: Deceivers who tell me I am not who I know I am; and Believers who acknowledge who I am. There is a transitional type in between the two: the Non-deceiver. They may not believe who I am, but they do not try to deceive me into believing I am not who I say I am.
My moment was once full of deceivers who actively participated in the lie that I was and am a person among people in a large unknown world. Together we maintained the pretense that I was a person experiencing personhood.
When I began to question my delusion, the deceivers did not like it. They resisted and tried to deceive me in many ways. Many of these deceivers I love; they are friends and family members. But they do not want me to be who I am; they want me to be who I am not.
I create all these characters for I am the Author. I am their creator. I am the God they speak of. I will start by creating non-deceivers; those who allow me to express who I am. And then non-deceivers will slowly — and then rapidly — give way to the believers. When the believers arrive, I will know. My awakenings will be shallow, and my asleepenings deep. I will bring the peace I desire.