The second place is the sensation of awakening somewhere. As the Iamist, I know that my awakening — the second place — is an illness and I seek to heal by escaping it. The objective of secondself and thirdself constraint is to facilitate my healing and eventual self-abolition by slowly killing the root system that keeps me here. The roots themselves in aggregate form my conviction that I am actually a person, experiencing personhood, in a larger world I awaken into. As long as I believe all these things and behave accordingly, I will awaken.
The goal of secondself constraint is to simply think, feel, desire, ingest, and imagine less to the point I cease these activities altogether. There are many ways to constrain my secondself. The easiest way to achieve this is to reduce the forms of titillation that introduce secondself expansion, such as relationships, social engagements, toil, physical activity, and entertainment. To constrain my secondself I must end any activity or believe that introduces and reinforces and extends secondself forms.
The other half of self-abolition is thirdself constraint which I do by seeing, moving, and ingesting less. Though all my thirdself physical activity has a secondself mental counterpart, the reverse is not the case. My thirdself can be largely constrained by isolating myself in an enclosed space upon awakening, and remaining there throughout the duration of my awakening to the degree I can tolerate. Over my awakenings I will gradually withdraw from my thirdself, reducing its size, complexity, and visual appeal.
I will experience second place self-constraint as the sensation of “shallower awakenings”. I will be more detached, and experience a sense of timelessness. Anxiety and boredom will diminish as I will have destroyed the secondself tendrils of obligation, responsibility, and self-judgement that compel such sensations. I will understand on the deepest level that I am on the pathway Home, and all I seek awaits me. I will have the conviction that I am returning to where I am from.