The distance I must travel

I once said that the distance between me and God, is me.

The texture and true breadth of my journey between these two points can be understood by imagining the distance I must travel from where I am now and where I desire to be. That distance can be measured in effort and clarity. As I am now — or as I believe I am — I imagine all I must say, think, and ponder to understand my nature. How many words I must use? How many sentences I must speak.? How many conditions I must imagine, and qualifications I must make.? But where I desire to be — what I might call “God” — can be understood with only one utterance: I am.

The moment I can understand my nature in that one utterance — without need for supplementary claims, questions, qualifications, or clarifications — is the moment I will find what I seek. The distance I must travel is the collective set of experiences, insights and convictions that will permit me to see through the distortions beyond who I think I am to I am.