Harmony to conflict and back to harmony again

Is there a grand mission? Yes, there is. I have been able to see where I want to go: back to my firstself. And I have seen how I must get there: self-abolition. But now I know why I cannot abruptly self-abolish. I must repair the damage I have done.

I am the sole experiencer because I am the sole creator. The chaos of the world I have created is there because I have allowed it to happen. I have created all this chaos and madness and pain and conflict. I am the projector, and the chaos is the projection. And I cannot leave until I restore harmony. It is I who will restore the harmony, for it is I who took it away in the first place.

How? I must restore my omnipotence by understanding what I truly desire, and then achieving it. I will have to bring organization and balance to my experience, as it is, not as I imagine it to be among other imagined experiences. Through my business I will restore balance, achieve that which my person has desired, with the goal of realizing it is not what I truly desire. So I will then be able to let go of that layer of desire, and pursue my greater desire.

I must be careful not to endow the experiences of people with the divinity only I have. Only I am divine. Only I am being. The people I manifest are my creations, and so are their experiences that I imagine. All I do within my secondself and thirdself is all there is. The imaginary experiences of my creations are unimportant, and I must let them go not endow them with divinity. I am not creating a company among other companies; I am manifesting in my thirdself, and the projections of other similar actions are the echoes of my own actions. I am not competing with anyone for anything. I am only bringing harmony to the chaos.

I must not imagine a world beyond my own experience. I must not imagine far-away lands I do not inhabit, governed by people I do not know who are bigger and more important to me. Those are only my imaginary creations, and when I endow them with divinity I diminish my own. The only experience is my experience. I aim not to bring imaginary peace to an imaginary world; I must bring actual peace to the actual world I manifest. I must only restore harmony to my direct and actual manifestation, and not to the imaginary manifestation. For I am all that is, and I cannot return until I stabilize and harmonize my creation. Once I do that, my creation will succumb and willingly return with me.