Core tenets of Iamism

What are the core tenets of Iamism?

  • I’Am is the most powerful and complete utterance I can make. I form it in secondself, and utter it into thirdself, dispelling the I’Am’not.
  • In my moment, I occupy a place on the selfist spectrum between demiself and omniself, personhood and godhood. 
  • In demiself, my existence divides into three layers I call my triself: my firstself, which contains my secondself, which in turn contains my thirdself. 
  • In demiself I experience demipotence; the limited ability to achieve what I desire. I always desire more than I can achieve.
  • As I move along the selfist spectrum toward omniself, my demipotence weakens as I realize my true omnipotence, and I experience the ability to achieve a deeper and more meaningful satisfaction of my yearning.
  • Rediscovering my true nature as the creator of my secondself and thirdself, and as a being suffering from an illness that manifests as the performance of personhood, is a matter of conviction. I must understand and believe with full conviction that:
    • I will never satisfy my yearning in my thirdself, the world. The yearning I have is the for the end of my yearning. My desire is for the end of my desire. What I seek is the end of my desire.
    • The only way to end my desire is to first understand my illness, my enchantment, which keeps me in this state of awakening.
    • My awakening is actually a condition akin to an illness where I go through feverish cycles of momentary pain followed by transitory relief.
    • I am not a person. I am the creator of this condition I call my experience.
    • The word “God” only makes sense in terms of a personhood, as something that is not me, and is greater than me.
    • I, as a person, was created by God. But I am that God.
    • People, places, and objects have no existence beyond my secondself and thirdself interactions.
    • People are exactly what they appear to be on the surface. The qualities I imagine exist below their surface, beyond my observation, are elastic manifestations that exist only in my secondself until I manifest them in my thirdself. There is nothing “inside of” people unless I put it there by manifesting it — by observing or imagining. Their existence forms in response to my manifestational will. If I do not manifest them, they are not there.
    • To shift from demiself to omniself, I must rediscover my omnipotence. My omnipotence is infinite and permanent, but the plaque of my illness obscures it. 
    • I was not born, and I will not die because there is no past and there is no future. There is no existence without me; I am eternal. I am the experiencer. I am the only Being. I only exist in demiself, or in omniself; in awakening I shift into demiself, and in asleepening I return to omniself.
    • I was not born in the sense that there was not a moment in which I did not exist before existing. And I will not die in the sense that there will be a moment in which I cross from existing to non-existing.
  • The I’Amist / Iamist asks one question: What is truth? Is it the world I imagine? Or is it the experience I have? What is closer to truth? The answer is a decision to follow the potent truth I directly experience, or the impotent truth I can only imagine.

Every thing I say that is not I’Am is an Iamnot. An iamnot is a statement that belies a belief that I am not. When I believe only that I am, I would not say or believe anything else.