I am

The most potent truth that I can speak is I am. I exist. I am is the last expression I can utter before I actually am. I am contains every single thing I must know and do to achieve liberation. For the sake of clarity, I will hereby compress the statement “I am” to the single word “Iam”.

The power of Iam is reflected in its potency. I know that Iam more than I know anything at all. That Iam, that I exist, is the origin of every moment and experience. I experience because Iam. Everything derives its meaning from this one simple truth: Iam.

What makes Iam so special is its potency. It is absolutely indisputable, beyond any doubt. It is also circular, establishing me both as the state of this truth and the subject of it. I am stating that I am. It exposes my absolute authority over the most foundational aspect of existence: existence itself. I exist, and I can say that with complete authority. There is nothing else that I can say with such certainty. Iam reveals my existential sovereignty.

And without Iam, nothing makes sense. I am the doer, the thinker, the experiencer, and the imaginer. I am the desirer, the performer, and the actor. I may imagine situations in which I am not the subject, but then I am the imaginer and observer. I cannot in any way separate myself from anything. I am the center and origin of existence.

Everything that comes after Iam is inferior to it; dilutes and diminishes it. I am is a complete statement; it needs no other additions, supplements, or augmentations. It contains as much of the truth as words can possibly contain before all that remains is my being.

Iam is not only the most potent of all truths, but it is what I seek. I seek that Iam. I seek to be.