The nature of reality

The nature of reality is whatever I decide it is. But the more fundamental question is: what is my condition, and what would I like it to be? My condition is one of painful awakenings, and my desire is to end my pain.

Any question I ask must be predicated upon my fundamental condition or it simply does not matter. Why? Because the most potent aspect of my being is the sense of distress, conflict, and yearning I feel at my core. To that end, the nature of reality is whatever I decide is best to support the end of my suffering. 

I must always remember that my first desire, before I awaken into my second and then thirdself, is to remain sleeping, where I am at peace. And my last desire, when my illness can no longer fight it, is to return to sleep, where I am at peace. There are very few questions that actually matter to me, and those that do must be asked and answered with respect to my condition.