As I move deeper into triself, the three layers of my existence become more evident. What I once took for granted as commonplace and nothing to see, I now know is the answer to every question I have.
My thirdself is the layer I experience as sights and sounds. I accepted that it was the largest space, and I was within it. But now I know that is backwards, and it is actually the smallest layer, little more than a high-resolution simulation connected to my secondself.
My secondself is the “larger” layer that wraps around my thirdself as thoughts, feelings, desires, and bodily sensations. I commonly considered my secondself to be the true “me”, as opposed to my thirdself which is “other”. But now I know that my secondself is no more “me” and my thirdself no less “me”; they are both me, only experienced differently.
My firstself is the largest “layer” of all. In fact, it is infinite, unbound, and eternal because it exists outside of space and time. Space and time are constructs within my firstself, and and do not govern it. When my thirdself and firstself are gone, my firstself remains, and I only have to close my eyes to experience it. The challenge is disconnecting from my secondself convictions that my thirdself exists independent of me, and my circular secondself reflections that persist when my eyes are closed.
Once I can overcome these habits and convictions, I can experience my firstself. It starts as searching and probing with uncertainty and skepticism. But skepticism and inquiry gives way to greater conviction. With every increment in my conviction, I can come closer to rediscovering my unlimited power and being. Once I achieve omnipotence, I will not have to return unless I choose to. I will be able to close my eyes and never have to open them again, for I will be healed of my secondself and thirdself.