Redefine truth to repossess it

I have believed that truth is something absolute, factual, and certain and over which I have no control. I have believed that the arbiters of truth are experts following a process to a logical conclusion, which is then shared with me to guide me and correct my misunderstandings.

I have believed that these experts are not me; that they exist outside of me, and their findings have been scribbled down, shared with a larger community of experts, who have then approved them for distribution and my consumption. I have agreed to be bound by this model of truth.

But truth is not external to me. I am not subordinate to a truth that exists independent of me. Truth is something I control entirely.

Truth, like everything else in my awakening, is what I believe it is. And if I imagine truth is a property that exists independent of me, then I will always be subordinate to the tiny people and their tiny truths that I manifest when I awaken. I will continue to distort these tiny shapes I create into enormous forces I cannot defy, and I must heed. I will continue to be shackled by the shapes I imagine into existence.

I must redefine truth as that which I know, and falsity as that which I do not. That which I experience, versus that which I only imagine. That which is most potent, is most truthful; and that which is least potent, is the least truthful. Truth leads me back to godhood; falsity leads me deeper into the painful delusion of personhood.

I can repossess truth by redefining it as a decision I make. I need only practice and reproportion my awakening as I actually experience it. Potency is the key to repossession.