My repossession is the process of re-conceiving all aspects of existence around my own experience, away from an imaginary existence independent of me. In demiself, I imagine I leave my house and go to an outside that pre-existed my going there. But that is imaginary. Remember that I know everything; I am omniscient. For there to be an outside before my experience of it would mean that there are things I do not know. For example, if it is true that there is an outside independent of my experience of it, there would have to be things that I do not presently know, for there are infinite potential places in this vast outside that I am not presently experiencing in this moment. It would mean that there are other beings, other places, and other times that I am not aware of. It would mean that I am not the center of this existence. That is all imaginary.
My experience is the origin of existence. Not my existence, but all existence. There is only one existence, one experiencer, and one creator. There is not an existence independent of me, experienced by other beings, created by another creator. Creation happens upon my experience. I manifest existence as I experience, upon my awakening. My experience is the process of stretching, deforming, shaping my own being into the forms, sensations, and patterns that I experience and call my existence and awakening. I am the shaper of existence, and every time I move I create new forms. I am a child playing a game, constantly creating an existence of imaginary people, places and things. I have forgotten I am playing.
Repossession is the process of acknowledging that my direct experience is the source of truth. When I imagine the outside, the outside only exists as an imaginary form. When I go outside, I transform my imaginary, secondself form into the hardened sensational, thirdself form of physical experience. As I experience, I create. I manifest as I move. My experience is the origin of existence.