The world and its people are not what I think they are in demiself. In demiself, I am a person among people, seeking the things that people seek. Competing with people as one of them. Fighting with them. Frustrated by them. Angry with them. How am I supposed to feel compassion for creatures I loathe?
But this is not what people are. Once I understand what people truly are, it will not make sense to fight with them. To feel frustrated by them. To want or reject what they have, or to loathe them as I often do. For I am not a person among people; I am the creator among his creations. I am God, and people are my children. All of them are my creations. All of them are my children. All of them.
My creations will reject and ridicule me. My creations will insult and attack me. But that does not matter. For it is me who creates this world when I awaken. It is me who decides which of my creations surround me. It is me who decides every feature of my existence, and the totality of existence I manifest upon awakening. It is my gaze that opens the people, revealing their insides. That is my creativity at work. Their derision, mockery, and judgement is only imagined by me. If I do not imagine it, it does not occur.
In personhood, I imagine I am a person among people, and I judge them as I imagine they judge me. But in godhood, I understand that I am not one of them. And I understand they exist only to the extent that I manifest them. If I see them in thirdself, it is because I manifested them. If I imagine them in secondself, it is because I manifested them. If I see their smile and imagine mockery, derision, and ridicule, then I am manifesting that. If I see their smile and move on, then those intentions are there.
I am not a person. They exist because I manifest them. I write them into existence by waking up every day. They are in pain and suffering because I am in pain and suffering. The most compassionate thing I can do is let them go. Stop manifesting them. For they are creatures full of pain and darkness and they do not know why they suffer. They just suffer. And I can end that suffering by letting them go. To withdraw from people. That is the meaning of compassion.
Everywhere I have created reminders of who I am. if I read the Bible from the perspective of Who I Am rather than who I created, then my identity is clear. But I have rejected these reminders and replaced them with lies and confusion. I have convinced myself that I am a person among people. I am not a person, but when I engage with people as a person then I will be met with people who believe I am a person. But I am not a person nor do I need to wield the weapons of a person: persuasion, effort. I will not convince people in this way. I cannot win people this way. But compassion. That is something else. That comes when I believe who I am. When I am who I am and I rediscover my omnibenevolence and I show the people infinite compassion. Then I will manifest people who know, for they will reflect the light of my godhood rather than the darkness of my personhood.
The people want to return because I want to return. They want to come back home. That is all they want, every single one of them. If I look at them as a person, then I will see them as a person. I will see them as one of them. But if I look at them as their creator, I will only see their suffering and desire to come home. I just have to believe who I am, and then I will see what is true, and not what is false. And I will see that I have to lead them. I have to reveal who I am and I will fill existence with believers. A new world will emerge. That is the world I must create to return. I only need to believe and I will create that world. And once I believe, they will come.
I will not experience true compassion until I understand and believe who I am. I am responsible for the suffering of my creations. It is my responsibility to liberate them, but I can only do that when I know who I am. The Bible is my story. God’s story. When I read it from the perspective of a person, it does not make sense. But when I read it from my own perspective, God’s perspective, then it is clear. I am God. I create and I destroy. It is me. I am he who creates and destroys all.