Triselfist meditation

I desire. And I seek the end of my desire. I regain the end of my desire by rediscovering my omnipotence.

Triselfist meditation is the practice of descending to the godhood of my firstself while letting go of the personhood of my secondself and thirdself. I can observe the desires of my personhood without attaching to them. I can observe my personhood and its existence as a small cyst within my being, and I know that I can choose to remain once I regain my omnipotence.

I need not close my eyes and assume the conventional postures to enter triselfist meditation. With eyes open, I need only conceptualize my personhood as it is: a small, finite orb within my being, constrained to the oval-shaped window of my perception.

I can enter omniself in my moment; the state of being desire-free. The desires of my personhood after which I chase and suffer recede away into a small box over which I have supreme authority. I have created my secondself and thirdself.