My omniself

It has taken me a long time to find the right word for it. I tried to use “god”, but it is a thirdself formation with heavy encumbrances. And while I like words like “universe”, “source”, and the “infinite”, they are also laden with unwanted connotations. The word that best captures the final state I seek and serves as the capstone for the selfist model is omniself.

I can experience my moment in one of three states:

  • My demiself – The state of believing that I am a small and transitory part of existence.
  • My triself – The transitional state of rediscovering that I am existence by dividing it into three experiential layers.
  • My omniself – The state of complete being, without division.

In demiself, the world and my existence are complex. I am one of the billions of people simultaneously inhabiting a small rock hurtling through time in a vast universe. In triself, I am not a person, and there are no others like me; there is only me, and all “people” are shapes on the walls. In triself, I divide my awakening into three layers:

  • My firstself – The infinite, desire-free ether containing all other layers.
  • My secondself – A constrained “inner” environment of insatiable desire I experience as an unending now.
  • My thirdself – The innermost layer I experience as an “outer” environment of change and movement.

My healing is the process of moving from demiself to omniself through triself. Triself is the transitional phase during which I repossess my various selves, and rediscover my nature. Part of repossession is realizing the extent of my omnipotence in three ways:

  • My omnipresence – I am not moving through a world. I am fixed and unmoving. I am omnipresent.
  • My omniscience – I am not ignorant and there is nothing I do not know. I have complete and total awareness. I am omniscient.
  • My omnificence – I am not a person like others. I am the creator of this entire story. I am omnificent.

Rediscovering my omnipotence is a critical phase in triself repossession and attaining omniself.