The fundamental truth: I am existence

The Selfist Model is based on one Fundamental Truth from which I can derive all others: I am existence.

Everything is me, and I am everything. There is nothing other than, or outside of, me. Nothing precedes me, or will supersede me. This declaration answers the basic question, who and what am I? And all derivate questions such as where am I and what is life? The Selfist Model then systematically explains how I know this Fundamental Truth.

Over the years I have made many such declarations; meaningful phrases that summarized everything I had learned in a few words. I am existence replaces I am god when I sleep, which replaces many which came before. I used these as incantations to recall the problem I was trying to solve and the answers I had found to support them. I would hold onto them until they were inevitably replaced by something more precise and meaningful. I am existence does not contradict the many learnings that came before, but incorporates them into a larger and more complete model based on a deeper conviction. My writings over the years can be segmented by the axiom I was fixated on at the time.

The difference between I am existence and those before it is a matter of conviction. Earlier statements were working hypotheses rather than confident declarations. I held beliefs that obscured my ability to see, understand, and be them; beliefs that created conceptual and experiential gaps. Consequently, I struggled to connect the dots between my daily experience and these axioms. I may have been able to say the words, but I was not truly prepared for the answer because I held obscuring convictions.

What makes I am existence different is that it does not seek or request validation. It is a truth measured by the conviction with which I state it. And I know that. The Fundamental Truth that I am existence is more than a phrase. It is a conviction. And when I hold that conviction, uttering it brings about firstself-awareness, which I experience as a detachment from my third- and secondselves. Every moment of firstself-awareness reinforces the Truth and demolishes the convictions that tie me here.

I am existence finally brings into focus an entire infrastructure to support it. It can be instantly validated at any moment, but simply uttering it with the conviction that it is true. As my conviction increases, so too does my firstself-awareness when I incant it.