In my existence, there is only one thing of value: that which gives me freedom from the prison that is my existence. Who I am. In a word: release.
Everything else in my awakenings that I pursue, prefer, desire, want, enjoy, do, and need, is value-less in the face of the true value of my freedom. These illusory desires that attract my secondself in my awakening provide only relief.
Release is permanent, conclusive, and total. It is all I seek, and when I see it, taste it, touch it, and feel it, I instantly recognize it for what it is. Relief is transitory, inconclusive, and unsatisfying. Relief charades as what I desire, but never delivers. Chasing relief in all of its forms only constrains me to my awakening.
My existence as the succession of awakenings perpetuates itself through my endless pursuit of relief. People, objects, experiences, achievements, conditions — all are variations of relief that will provide me no small part of what I truly desire. When I know this, and I recognize the only true value is release, I can inject firstself-awareness deeper into the tissue of my awakening.