Treating emanation

In this post I have introduced some changes to terms I use. Where I previously used the word “ascend”, I will now interchangeably use “emanate” and “emanation”. And where I previously used the word “descend”, I will now interchangeably now use “de-emanate” and “de-emanation”. These terms are more precise. More detail can be found on Nomenclature.

Emanation is my cyclical experience between my departure from peace and return to peace. When I depart peace by awakening I suffer, and when I return to peace by asleepening my suffering is alleviated.

My emanation begins when I awaken into three distinct layers: my first self, my second self, and my third self. My emanation ends when I asleepen back to my undivided being. The entire cycle repeats itself every “day”.

Emanation is an illness, and self-abolition is the treatment. The Selfist Model explains the nature of my emanation, and serves as a practical guide for my escape.

The first step in my recovery is realizing that I seek something, and that what I seek cannot be found out here, in my awakening. I must ask myself what I seek, and find the answer.

Once I know that I seek something, I must determine where it is, exactly. I am not accustomed to thinking of a “location” for what I seek, and the concept can be elusive for some time. But with contemplation and effort, the Selfist Model begins to make sense and I can accurately pinpoint the destination of what I seek.

The next step in my recovery is reorienting toward what I seek and where it is. This pivot requires concerted effort, for I must first understand “how” exactly I can “move” toward the “location” of “what I seek”. While there is traditional movement in the outer space around me, I have to do an even greater amount of movement in the inner space within me. I must understand that imagination is the inner equivalent to outer physical movement.

The final step in my recovery is to actively coordinate my movement in the inner and outer spaces of my second self to achieve Being. As I progress, my emanations will diminish in size and impact as the various layers collapse down. The “world” I awaken into will seem “smaller”; the difference between my asleepenings and awakenings will disappear until I have achieved convergence, reunion, and Being.

What I seek is the end of my emanation. To deemanate, I must realize what I truly seek, understand the mechanics of my emanation, seize control of the levers of my existence, and use them to achieve what I seek: the abolition of my triselfist existence.