My second-place existence comprises an inner environment of mental and emotional forms, and an outer environment of physical forms.
As I become aware of the boundaries and nature of my existence, I also become conscious of where I direct my attention. My attention – or focus – can be directed in three areas: my outer environment, my inner environment, or my essential.

I can practice directing my focus with a simple 3-step exercise:
- Outer focus – Direct my attention to a physical object in front of me. My visual field sharpens as I focus on this object.
- Essential focus – Withdraw my attention from the physical object in front of me, and direct my focus to the point behind my eyes and within my head, before any thoughts. I feel an inward retreat, my visual field becomes blurry, and I feel a weight around the part of my head where my awareness originates.
- Inner focus – Close my eyes and remember the physical object I was focusing on in front of me. Imagine its characteristics. I feel a shift “backward” into my mind as I draw various mental connections to the object I am now thinking of.
The entirety of my second place existence occurs within one of these three areas. Becoming aware of my focus, and understanding how I can control it, is essential to descent.