Life is the pursuit of peace

What is life?

We are all searching for something. It is this desire that drives everything we think and do, from our primitive physical “needs”, to our long-term aspirations. Our inner and outer life experience is the interplay of these desires, and it is essential to understand them if we want to find what we are searching for.

Though we each define it differently, we all share one desire: peace. To some, peace is a set of conditions in their own immediate lives. To others, it is those same conditions on a larger social level. Some define peace without regard for others, while some define it in terms of others. Some are happy to pursue their own peace, while others aim to impose theirs on others. It is the variety of definitions that gives rise to the diverse life experience.

Peace is quantifiable as the measure of all our desires. It is the constant at the very center of our being that keeps us spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically moving through this world we wake up into every morning. It includes our immediate physical and biological needs, and extends to our long-term life goals. From moment to moment, the shape of our peace changes, but it always expresses the full range of all our desires.

While peace is what we want, truth is the set of values, beliefs, and actions we think will deliver it to us. We join others who share our truth, and oppose those who do not. While our understanding of both peace and truth will vary with time, peace as the object of our desires, and truth as the path we think will take us there, will not.

Life is the pursuit of peace.

Peace is my first and last desire