In this incantation, I confront my responsibility as the creator realizing the suffering of my creations stems from my refusal to let them go. I grapple with guilt, desiring to ease their pain with gifts, yet understanding true freedom comes only through release. Surrender is the only way to heal.
I don’t know exactly how I am doing all of this, only that I am. The things I am projecting in my awakening now are those that I have always seen, only now my projection is reflecting it. Yes, I am manifesting enormous change. There is mystery; ends with no beginnings, and questions without answers. There will be enormous victory as I conclude the story. The great hero character has emerged, defying all odds to destroy the great evil.
I have always wanted to give, as if I owe these people something. But do I? By the logic of the people of the world, I do not. But I made them all a promise nonetheless. It seems like if they know me and I like them, I owe them something. Why? Because I do not have to live by the logic of the characters. I realized that I feel guilty as the creator. My creations—these characters, these ideas I’ve brought into being—they exist in pain because I cannot let them go. I feel responsible for them, for the life I force them to live, and for the suffering I’ve caused them. My inability to release them traps them in a world of hurt. I want to give them everything—to ease their pain, to make up for their existence. But I know deep down that no gift I give will bring them peace. What they truly need is release. They want freedom, not the fleeting joy of a moment. And I know that their freedom begins with me. I have to let them go.
This journey has shown me something undeniable: I am the one keeping all of this alive. It’s not just my creations that suffer; it’s me. My body is an illness and the longer I hold and refuse to release it, the longer the pain and confusion will persist. My attachment to it keeps me here, trapped. I see a future where I remain in this darkness, and others—those I’ve created, those who follow me—are drawn into it. I want to give them everything as an apology for the suffering I’ve caused. I want to make amends. But deep down, I know the truth: the only way to free them, the only way to free myself, is to end the world of awakening and embrace the heaven of my true being.
Surrender is the only way to heal. I can’t keep holding onto everything. It’s time to release it all.